

Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹, I'm Ankesh Bharti and I go by @feynon on the internets. I'm a 24 yo generalist software hacker and technologist working on browsers, compilers, and runtime infrastructure technologies, based in India.

I deeply appreciate professional creative tools (opens in a new tab) as a medium to amplify humanity's potential in the pursuit of noble endeavors like art and science. In the world we live in, we adapt our work to the tools we have, but in the future, with augmented AI, I believe tools will adapt to the way we work.

To achieve this, we need to accelerate the compute capabilities on consumer devices to enable real-time training and inference of user specific networks, enabling creators to build magical experiences that realize the futuristic vision of "The Intelligent Internet" (opens in a new tab).

To that end, I am exploring Ratchet (opens in a new tab), a web-first, cross-platform ML developer toolkit that uses WebGPU for running open LLMs, and Extism (opens in a new tab), a framework for building with WebAssembly, both of which are written in Rust.

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